Baby Love
October 4, 2014

Posted in: News
Our newest  member, baby Emalyn with her new friends Nicole & Courtney

Our newest member, baby Emalyn with her new friends Nicole & Courtney

St. Saviours Anglican Church hall was the scene of another very successful Baby Love event hosted by MDSS on Saturday, October 4th. We are very appreciative of the church’s donation of this space for this and past Baby Love events.
After receiving an invitation from MDSS, nineteen families plus volunteers attended to meet or reacquaint themselves with other families who have young children with Down syndrome. Families were greeted by Joan Kolbauer and Susan Cearns as they arrived. Our final count for this event was 80.
Joining us for the first time were Diane (Dee Dee) and Eric Lauzon with their daughter, Emalyn, three sons and Gramma, Kim Baudry., Michelle Freund and Trevor Friesen along with their eight-month old son, Ashton joined us for the first time from Mitchell, Manitoba.
We are always delighted to see extended family members come out to this event and that was the case with Autumn Funk’s family, and Grant Hrehirchuk’s family.
Marley Mann and her parents, Melissa and Kirk along with her brother Theiron, drove in from Hodgson, Manitoba. They have been attending Baby Loves since 2009.
MDSS President Lorraine Baydack greeted our guests with a message about the success of the recent 2014 Buddy Walk, the IEP meeting she will be hosting, and the upcoming Dinner/Dance.
Lori Lester spoke about the upcoming See Me Beautiful conference and the importance of availing oneself with as much information as early as possible.
The Sawicki family have now moved out to Wetaskiwin, Alberta but we are especially thankful to Layne, Teryn and Kaylene for their donation of toys that help to entertain the children in attendance. The Sawicki family is missed but we wish them well in their new home.
A craft table with Play Dough was put to good use before the arrival of FLOYD the CLOWN. He did an amazing job of entertaining the children and we were so pleased with his performance.
To our wonderful volunteers, we extend a very special thanks! Ruth Joseph and Nadia Kozubal signed in each family and gave them name tags. These young ladies also helped with setting out refreshments, and clean up once the event was over. Dorothy Ridd, Linda Hall and Ian Hall set out the refreshments, keeping them refreshed, and did an awesome job of cleanup.
Joan’s granddaughters, Ryann and Emma Kolbauer helped out at the craft table and with the handing out of a little gift for each of the children with Down syndrome.
Details for a SPRING Baby Love will be confirmed early in 2015. Please contact the office if you would like to assist Joan Kolbauer, Susan Cearns or board member, Jennifer Barlin in welcoming new families to this event. We are always open to new ideas to keep this event fun and interesting.

 MDSS sends a special THANK YOU out to Joan Kolbauer, Susan Cearns and Jennifer Barlin, our Baby Love Committee, for the time and effort they put in to create this important event twice each year, and to Dawn Gates who does the lovely design work on the Baby Love invitations!

Mom Christine with Baby Makenna

Mom Christine with Baby Makenna



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