Baby Love Coordinator: Kris Yunker
Thankyou Everyone!!!
The Manitoba Down Syndrome Society (MDSS) hosted its’ Spring Baby Love event on April 27, 2019.
We were joined by 4 new families who enjoyed their first Baby Love experience.
We had 151 people RSVP however 139 people were in attendance.
The children were entertained for one and a half hours, first by Mr. Richard; a ventriloquist and puppeteer. They were later entertained by Puff the clown. Guests enjoyed a yummy lunch after that.
We had a number of Board Members in attendance, some as guests, Brandy, Tayyaba and Shelby and some as Volunteers; Val, Rick and Kathy. We also had Volunteers Dorothy, Pat, Joan and Tim; thank you to everyone for their hard work. Our Board Members were also recognized and applauded for all that they do for the MDSS.
We thank the Covenant Christian Reformed Church for the use of their beautiful facility and for their volunteers’ time; both Gerry and Leo were a big help!
We hope to see you all at the next Baby Love event which will be held on October 19, 2019 from 10 am -2 pm; location to be announced.
“We hope you leave having met a new friend”
Thank you,