WDSD Socks 2023!
ROCK your very own Manitoba Down Syndrome Society Custom (MDSS) SOCKS!!
Baby Love- Save the Date
It will be held on April 22nd, 2023 from 12pm-2pm at the Bronx Community Centre.
World Down Syndrome Day!
On March 21, we observe a global awareness day which has been officially declared by the United Nations. 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. How do we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day? MDSS celebrates it by having […]
Thank you- Annual Dinner and Dance!
All I can say is, wow, what a great time it was! The MDSS hosted its annual Dinner and Dance this year …
Thank you! – See Me Beautiful!
It’s a wrap!
The 24th See Me Beautiful Conference for Educators and Parents of children with Down syndrome is behind us, but what a day we had!
Walk with Us – Thank you!
Well, it has been over a week since the amazing walk. I am so pleased to say that with all of your efforts, we were able to raise just over $70,000.00
SuperHEROS Adapted Hockey-Winnipeg Launch
We are very excited to be launching our newest SuperHEROS Adapted Hockey program in Winnipeg
in November of 2022…
Super Hero Hockey Program
The program is for kids 7-17 and is totally free. They are looking for potential players/families and volunteers.
Exhibition of MY ART, MY WORLD; the story of Rita’s day-to-day life through her art and offers a message of inclusion, features 25 colourful water colour paintings by Rita Winkler.