Our 2nd Annual Family Winter Sleigh Ride is here again!!
Please join us for this wonderful family event on December 11, 2021 @ 11 am!
Location: Birds Hill Park Ranch
This is the website for birds hill park ranch. It is closest to the gate located on hwy 206. But can be accessed by both gates and there is signage for Horses that will guide you there.
Important information: Arrival time is 10:30 am at Birds Hill park Ranch (up by the restaurant and washrooms) as Sleigh leaves at 11:00 am SHARP, the sleigh cannot wait so please arrive on time. The sleigh Ride is one hour in duration, we will continue the fun with a cook out including Hot Chocolate, Hot Dogs and Marshmallows courtesy of the MDSS.
Washrooms are available at the main building.
Since the event is outdoors masks are optional except on the sleigh where Social Distancing is not possible (masks are required to enter the main building as well)
There are a limited number of seats available-it will be a first come first serve event.
Registration ends when all 60 seats are filled and or by November 26, 2021.
Person(s) with Down Syndrome FREE
Members $5.00 a person
Non-Member $7.00 a person